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Showing posts with the label Health

Tips to Save Steak with the Sous Vide Method

Not feel the weekend will come again.  At the end of the month like this why don't you try cooking the steak with the Sous Vide method (Read: suviid)?  Guaranteed end of your month will be as beautiful as after payday. Sous Vide is the name of a cooking technique that utilizes temperature control with a precision water medium, which is 60º Celsius.  The name Sous Vide itself comes from French, which means  under vacuum  , because with this method food is placed in an airtight container and then placed in water for a long time, which is 1 to 72 hours. THE AIM IS TO MAKE FOOD COOKED PERFECTLY AND UNIFORMLY, WITHOUT MAKING THE INSIDE OVER-COOKED (  OVER COOK  ) AND MAINTAINING MOISTURE. Basically, the Sous Vide cooking method is cooked, but to be served it needs to be  finished  first, such as, frying or baking for a while so that the texture of the outside is brownish and tastes better. Well, cooking with the Sous Vide method can be done in an economical way without spec


Spicy food  is indeed very arousing appetite for those who like spicy so that the food becomes more delicious when eaten, but conversely for those who don't like spicy may suffer greatly if you have to eat very spicy foods. Indeed there is a risk that can occur when someone consumes very spicy foods such as the onset of burning around the mouth and tongue, the stomach feels hot even if excessive can cause diarrhea for that reason there are some people who do not like spicy food. According to research it turns out there are also spicy food benefits for health, as we know that spicy foods usually contain chili which contains substances called capsaicin which are proven to provide many benefits for our bodies as reported by Medical Daily.  Some of the benefits of consuming spicy foods include:  1. Good for the heart Research conducted through the American Chemical Society proves that every dish that is given a little chili is beneficial to protect one's heart health beca


Cancer  is one type of disease that is very frightening at this time because if it is handled too late it is likely to be difficult to cure and can even result in death with a terrible body condition. Cancer can be caused by many factors including genetic factors to unhealthy lifestyles because it should prevent it from now before it's too late because this cancer is a disease that cannot be underestimated. Below are some natural ways that we need to know so that we can avoid  cancer,  see 7 natural ways to reduce the risk of getting cancer:   1. Don't underestimate any pain experienced When we experience pain in the body we should always be vigilant. It could be an early symptom of a dangerous disease. For example, we often experience pain around the head, pelvis or breast, better consult a doctor immediately so that if something serious symptoms such as cancer occur can be immediately treated and carried out treatment measures so it is likely that the disease can

Bananas Effectively Overcome Cancer

Banana is a fruit that is easily found everywhere and almost everyone likes this one because it tastes sweet and delicious besides the  benefits of bananas  for the body which is undoubtedly so bananas are a favorite fruit for the family. Bananas that are not too ripe will turn greenish-yellow while ripe bananas will be yellow, but both bananas that are still a little green or yellow are equally beneficial for our health because in bananas contain vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium and high the fiber content, not only that the content of sugar levels and calorie values ​​are quite high ie every 1 banana contains as much as 105 kcal calories so it is very good for those who work quite heavy like sportsmen because by consuming bananas the energy needs can be fulfilled immediately. But sometimes bananas that are too ripe make the appearance of the banana peel unattractive and change marked by brown spots and the color of the banana becomes darker yellow so that the banana will be slight


Each of us must have experienced  anxiety  caused by many factors that suddenly come so we feel worried and uneasy, but if anxiety is classified as mild then it certainly will not interfere with our health, but did you know that  excessive anxiety  will be very dangerous for the health of the body we. As reported by Boldsky states that people who are too often anxious or easily anxious with trivial matters then over time can cause prolonged stress and the longer can lead to depression so that it adversely affects the body's health both mentally and physically. Below are some of the consequences that occur if we often experience  excessive anxiety namely:  1. Reducing endurance / body immunity People who experience anxiety too often will have a negative impact on health, one of which is to reduce endurance so the body will have difficulty fighting various diseases so that the person will become easily sick because of a weak body such as often experiencing health proble

Aloe Vera For Human Body Health

Aloe Vera and Health Hi everyone, welcome to the  everydaysfeelgood   blog   , a blog about various things related to human health.  The contents of this article are the results of the writer's own thoughts and readings.  So the admin apologizes if there are still shortcomings.  Constructive criticism and suggestions are highly expected by authors for the creation of writing that is useful and of course quality.  On this occasion, the admin will explain about one of the plants that usually are often on our home page.  What is that?  Yes, right.  The plant in question is   Aloe Vera.   This plant we often encounter also in advertisements of goods made from the main raw material or the maker of additional ingredients is aloe  vera.   Of course, I'm curious about the benefits of  aloe vera  for human health?  What substances are contained and taken from these plants?  Are there any side effects if we eat it?  And what are the products made from   Aloe Vera that  cir

How to reduce the stomach in 1 month

How to reduce the stomach in 1 month without having a strict diet Having a distended stomach is something that is annoying for most people.  Because it can interfere with the performance of the body, especially interfere with appearance.  So many people who do not believe when having a distended or fat belly. Therefore, steps to shrink the stomach is done, no matter what the risks that will be caused such as a strict diet.  Therefore the admin will share some tips to shrink the stomach in one month without doing things that make our body sick and without consuming dangerous drugs.  The following explanation. Steps to shrink the stomach Routine doing aerobic exercises By doing aerobic exercise about 20 minutes to 40 minutes per day, can reduce about 3-5 kg.  Aerobic exercise itself is not only done in the form of gymnastics.  But it can be in the form of walking, jogging or swimming.  If you like to ride a bicycle, you can do it while you go to the office (if the distanc