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Aloe Vera For Human Body Health

Aloe Vera and Health

Image result for lidah buaya

Hi everyone, welcome to the everydaysfeelgood blog  , a blog about various things related to human health. The contents of this article are the results of the writer's own thoughts and readings. So the admin apologizes if there are still shortcomings. Constructive criticism and suggestions are highly expected by authors for the creation of writing that is useful and of course quality. On this occasion, the admin will explain about one of the plants that usually are often on our home page. What is that? Yes, right. The plant in question is  Aloe Vera. This plant we often encounter also in advertisements of goods made from the main raw material or the maker of additional ingredients is aloe vera. Of course, I'm curious about the benefits of aloe vera for human health? What substances are contained and taken from these plants? Are there any side effects if we eat it? And what are the products made from  Aloe Vera that circulate around us? The following explanation.

Information on Aloe Vera at a glance

Aloe Vera or in other languages ​​is Aloe Vera is a plant originating from the African region and is generally light green and has thorns on the edges of the leaves. This plant is often used in a variety of products such as cosmetics, food and drinks and medicines. Since BC,  Aloe Vera has been used and is believed to be a medicinal and cosmetic plant. But there are also those who use this plant as a beautiful ornamental plant that is stored in the yard or on the guest table.

Image result for lidah buaya

Type of Aloe Vera

Judging from its type,  Aloe Vera also has several types including  Cape aloe, Curacao aloe, Aloe barberae, Aloe Perryi, Aloe albiflora, Aloe ballyi, Aloe bakeri, Aloe aristata, Aloe nobilis and Aloe Dichotoma . Cape aloe  which is widely bred in Indonesia.

Aloe Vera Nutrition

It is undeniable that  Aloe Vera is a plant that has enough nutrients. Nutrients contained in  Aloe Vera  include:
  1. Amino acid
  2. Enzymes, such as amylase enzymes, Catalase enzymes
  3. Minerals, such as Magnesium, Iron, Zinc, Calcium, Potassium, Chromium, Sodium
  4. Vitamins, such as Vitamin A, Vitamin B, Vitamin C, and Vitamin E
  5. High in antioxidants and fluids

Benefits of Aloe Vera for Health

Because the nutritional content contained in  Aloe Vera is quite a lot so  Aloe Vera has properties for human health. Benefits of  Aloe Vera  for human health include the following:
  1. Can be used as a skin remedy
  2. Can be used as a natural hair grower
  3. Make hair shinier
  4. Burn medicine
  5. Can stabilize cholesterol levels in the body
  6. Can be used as a plaque remover on teeth
  7. Can be used as a medicine for joint pain and muscle pain
  8. Can inhibit the growth of cancer cells
  9. Can cure rashes on the skin
  10. Can improve the immune system
  11. Can treat constipation
Image result for lidah buaya

Side Effects of Aloe Vera for Health

However, if used excessively,  Aloe vera  can also cause some side effects including:
  1. Consuming aloe vera gel   can cause irritation to the intestine
  2. For pregnant women should not consume  Aloe Vera, because there are several findings that connect the  Aloe Vera  with a miscarriage
  3. Aloe Vera  can worsen someone who is experiencing hemorrhoids
  4. Aloe vera  can also cause diarrhea
  5. Aloe Vera can affect a person's blood sugar.
From all the explanations of the benefits and side effects of  Aloe Vera, therefore, the admin recommends that if you want to consume  Aloe Vera you should first consult with a doctor who is around you. So that our health is maintained.

Aloe Vera Products

Oh yeah, there are so many products made from  Aloe Vera. Like beauty products, medicine and so on. Admin cannot mention the brand or brand of the product. Friends can search on  with the keyword "  Aloe vera products ".
Thank you for reading. It may be useful.


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