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Cancer  is one type of disease that is very frightening at this time because if it is handled too late it is likely to be difficult to cure and can even result in death with a terrible body condition. Cancer can be caused by many factors including genetic factors to unhealthy lifestyles because it should prevent it from now before it's too late because this cancer is a disease that cannot be underestimated. Below are some natural ways that we need to know so that we can avoid  cancer,  see 7 natural ways to reduce the risk of getting cancer:   1. Don't underestimate any pain experienced When we experience pain in the body we should always be vigilant. It could be an early symptom of a dangerous disease. For example, we often experience pain around the head, pelvis or breast, better consult a doctor immediately so that if something serious symptoms such as cancer occur can be immediately treated and carried out treatment measures so it is likely that the disease can

Bananas Effectively Overcome Cancer

Banana is a fruit that is easily found everywhere and almost everyone likes this one because it tastes sweet and delicious besides the  benefits of bananas  for the body which is undoubtedly so bananas are a favorite fruit for the family. Bananas that are not too ripe will turn greenish-yellow while ripe bananas will be yellow, but both bananas that are still a little green or yellow are equally beneficial for our health because in bananas contain vitamin B6, vitamin C, potassium and high the fiber content, not only that the content of sugar levels and calorie values ​​are quite high ie every 1 banana contains as much as 105 kcal calories so it is very good for those who work quite heavy like sportsmen because by consuming bananas the energy needs can be fulfilled immediately. But sometimes bananas that are too ripe make the appearance of the banana peel unattractive and change marked by brown spots and the color of the banana becomes darker yellow so that the banana will be slight