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Cancer is one type of disease that is very frightening at this time because if it is handled too late it is likely to be difficult to cure and can even result in death with a terrible body condition.

Cancer can be caused by many factors including genetic factors to unhealthy lifestyles because it should prevent it from now before it's too late because this cancer is a disease that cannot be underestimated.

Below are some natural ways that we need to know so that we can avoid cancer, see 7 natural ways to reduce the risk of getting cancer: 

1. Don't underestimate any pain experienced

When we experience pain in the body we should always be vigilant. It could be an early symptom of a dangerous disease. For example, we often experience pain around the head, pelvis or breast, better consult a doctor immediately so that if something serious symptoms such as cancer occur can be immediately treated and carried out treatment measures so it is likely that the disease can be cured.

2. Keep the phone too long close to the body

Although there is not enough evidence of a link between cancer with cellphones, but through research conducted it turns out that brain cancer has something to do with cell phone radiation, so you should keep your cell phone close to our body for too long or if necessary use a Bluetooth headset and while sleeping keep the cell phone close to your head, so we can reduce the risk of getting brain cancer.

3. Make it a habit to consume coffee

Caffeine content in coffee that we drink every day in sufficient quantities will reduce a person's risk of developing cancer by 40 percent and this has been proven through research conducted that by consuming caffeine can help fight cancer cells in inside the body.

4. Consuming calcium and vitamin D

For those of you who are at risk for bone cancer it is very important to always maintain your intake of vitamin D and calcium, consume foods that contain vitamin D often and we can also take calcium supplements once a week very well to help us avoid the risk of developing bone cancer.

5. Drink plenty of water

As is often recommended by health experts that the body really needs fluid intake so we are advised to drink lots of water about 2 liters every day because by drinking lots of water especially clean water will help us get bladder cancer and help remove toxins in the body that can trigger cancer in the urine, besides drinking lots of water will help cleanse the bladder, in addition to water can also deselingi by consuming fruit or vegetable juices it will be very good in reducing a person's risk of cancer.

6. Be diligent in exercising

Sport is a very important activity for our body's health, do it at least 3 times a week on a regular basis that can be adjusted to your time and choose the sport that you like so that exercise will be very fun to do, walking for 20 minutes every day will help us reduce cancer risk and according to research people who like to exercise will reduce the risk of developing cancer by 20 percent.

7. Make it a habit to consume healthy and nutritious food

According to research people who often consume healthy foods will reduce their risk of developing cancer by as much as 40 percent, consume lots of fruits and vegetables every day and eat a balanced portion so that our bodies stay healthy and one thing to also note is to avoid consuming unhealthy foods such as junk food, fatty foods or foods that are high in calorie content.

That's 7 natural ways that you can try to avoid the risk of getting deadly cancer and do a healthy lifestyle from now on.
May be useful.

Also check out other related articles: 7 DANGER OF EXCESSIVE ANXIETY FOR HEALTH


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