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5 Steps To Start A Minimalist Lifestyle

See the source imageIn Japan at this time there are many people who run a minimalist lifestyle Well , what is minimalist life? This pattern of life not only reduces the purchase of items such as clothing and home decoration, but also reduces the 'sense of ownership' of an item. This way your home / room is trusted to be more spacious and neat, and most importantly, you can live more peacefully - because you don't need to worry about your belongings.
Honestly, I myself have experienced periods of stress because I saw so many things at home, some of which are no longer used. Actually, that's not the fault of the 'innocent things', but instead I myself who sometimes impulsively buy things that end up just sitting in a corner of the house.   
For those of you who have read about the concept of a minimalist life, usually assume that you must immediately dispose of things, get rid of some clothes, and donate the books that you have. Actually, if you want to start this lifestyle, you have to start by eliminating love for useless items and sorting out items that you don't use anymore.
A few simple tips if you want to immediately start a minimalist lifestyle .
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The things you have must be useful and relevant to your life, not just a symbol of status or wealth
Sometimes the things you have do not affect your quality of life and increase your happiness. Even what often happens, you buy an item just to impress others.
Begin by cleaning things in your room.
Getting rid of items that you no longer use, such as books, clothes, and other items, can make your room more spacious and your feelings more relieved, you know . This can be the first step to 'breathing' and slowly reducing the desire to buy useless items.
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Enjoy something without being obsessed
Most of us live in an environment obsessed with the latest clothes and gadgets , or other items, but we don't have to always have it to be happy. Every time you want an item, think again, whether the item is really you need or really just you want.
Think about whether your life depends only on material.
Having expensive objects is a bad thing, but if you start trying to live a minimalist life , try to keep in mind that 'you have enough things and don't need to buy them again if you don't really need them'. Sometimes without realizing it, the things you have only add to the burden on your life — both physically and emotionally.
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Start sorting clothes
One of the easiest steps you can do first is clean your wardrobe. Usually someone still keeps clothes that they never wear again, clothes that get stained, or socks that live next door. Even though it's clear, you don't need to save clothes that are no longer useful. Collect clothes that are not used, sell or donate to people in need. 

Also check out other articles: Tips to Save Steak with the Sous Vide Method


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